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    April 2024    
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
? Detz (1830)
AARON Georges (1947)
WERTH Mindle (1809)
Aaron Joseph (1930)
Annie (1968)
Haya (1949)
Jeanette (1936)
Tere (1966)
Hannah (1932)
Ida, Flora (2016)
Reemah (1871)
Abadi Renée (1991)
Hanem (1925)
Lichaa Nelly (2010)
Masliah Farag (1957)
Siahou Baroukh (1905)
Antonia (1923)
Elayne (2009)
Matilda (1989)
Abadie Raymond (1946)
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Breinel (1777)   Dorine (2023)   Jaffa (1972)   Raquel (1960)   Rebecca (1940)   Rosalie (1991)   (Sucher)Fellman Samuel (1968)   Aaron Ezekiel, Edward, Hay (1987)   Adès Suzanne (1965)   Adés Vivienne (1999)   Adés Tabbush Nanda (2015)   Adjmi Ezra (1984)   Albagli Isaac (1975)   Amariglio Renée (2013)   Amiel Gamilels, Camille (1949)   Amiel Max (1949)   Angel Chemaya (1874)   Arar Raymond, Moise (1962)   Arditti Maud Freda (1999)   Attas Michael (1997)   Balaciano Simha (2007)   Barcilon Y Carasso Henri, En... (1998)   Beaucaire Jafsé (1748)   Benhaïm Julia (1988)   Benrubi Elie (1982)   Betesh Jack (1990)   Bikard Edmund Edmond (1988)   Brillet Jean-Jules (1929)   Brillet Louis (1941)   Brunschwig Elie (1785)   Buchner Ruth (2002)   Calamaro Albert, Rico (2006)   Calamaro René, Jacques (1997)   Canetti Anna Bucca (1967)   Carmona Moïse (1796)   Carmona Moïse (1808)   Carrady Maurice (1996)   Chabbott Charlotte (2009)   Chabbott Rena (2002)   Chamla Isaac (2004)   Cohen Isaac (1955)   Constant Fernand (1995)   Curtis Eugene Morton (2011)   Dancer Helen (2003)   Dangoor Clara (2001)   Darwish David (2013)   David Nissim (1975)   Dayan Nessim (1971)   de Picciotto Farag (1978)   Deyong Moses, “Moss“ (1966)   Dreyfus Johanna, Jeanne (1905)   Dweck Raphael, Raphoul (1945)   Edid Meyer (1974)   Dr. Eliachar Edouard (1995)   Elias Emmanuel Manasseh (1997)   Ephraim Mordechai, Rachamim,... (2007)   Ezekiel Rosaleen (1898)   Fadloun Felix (1968)   Faiman Sylvia (1994)   Farhi Gaston (1985)   Farhi Salomon (1971)   Farhi Salomon " The Short " (1822)   Farhi Sivy (2023)   Farji Jacobo (1928)   Fellman Samuel Shmielik (1968)   Fisher James (1885)   Gahtan Ezra, "Edward" (1983)   Garziano Marcel (1984)   Gilbert Claude (1995)   Gindi Jack David (1986)   Glasser Moses (1984)   Gluckstein Solomon (1988)   Gordon Jack (1998)   Graüb Johannes (1854)   Grindwig Jenny (Zisha) (1968)   Hackett Avis (1849)   Rabbin Hadid Isaac (1997)   Halac Ramon (1986)   Hara Rosy (1998)   Harari David (1944)   Hassoun Loris, Laurice (2012)   Hazan Nelly (1987)   Hazan Simha, Silvia (1971)   Hemmo Clémentine (2000)   Herscheni Miklos (1945)   Hillel Max (1987)   Hiller Ralph Abraham (1986)   Hirsh Louis Itzke (1974)   Howard Edward Stafford (1916)   Iny David (2020)   Israel Marguerite (1976)   Jabes Regine (1924)   Jacobson Leon Augusto (2011)   Jessula Marthoune (1997)   Kalderon Louise (1975)   Killingley Fanny Louisa (1863)   Kleiman Abraham (1987)   Kobi Jamileh (1987)   Kopp Harry (1977)   Lacs Pnina (1987)   Laniado Elie (1942)   Leckstein Simon, James Lex (1975)   Levin Aharon (1984)   Levine Gabriel (1984)   Levy Emilie (1949)   Levy Fanny, Vogel (1840)   Lisbona Leila (1920)   Lisbona Zahra (1954)   Lizmi Fred (2018)   Lopes-Salzedo Hanna Van Jaco... (1825)   Mahleb Moshi (1974)   Maleh Sammy (2009)   McCormick Mildred Chambers (1987)   Meer Hilwa (1974)   Mendelson Isaac (1977)   Mizrahi Esther (1985)   Mizrahi Joseph (1936)   Mory Samy (2014)   Mosseri Andrée, Marthe, “Déd... (1975)   Naggiar Frederick (1899)   Nathan David (1941)   Nathan Solomon (1941)   Nemetz Alma Rose (1990)   Ninio Esther (1981)   Ozbeker Yuda Amon (2001)   Pam Amanda (1984)   Parfitt Llewellyn (1916)   Paschkes Gaston (1980)   Picciotto Edward Nissim (2003)   Picciotto Roger (2007)   Pinto Corine (2009)   Price Charles (1986)   Reiss Rachel (1971)   Reuben Louise (1983)   Rosen Libbie (1978)   Rubin William (1980)   Salomon Albert (1945)   Sasson David James (1981)   Sassoon Flora, Farha (2000)   Schouella Zaki (2002)   Shamie Selim (1964)   Sinclair (Zotnick) Melvyn (2018)   Sitt Joseph (1966)   Somekh Edmond (1987)   Somekh Moshi (1965)   Souroujon Elda (2004)   Souva Giuseppe, “Peppo“ (1981)   Stambouli Jacob (1888)   Sultan Annette (2013)   Unger Ludwig (Luis) (1991)   Valencie Sarina (1939)   Vivante Regina (1925)   Vorms Clarisse (1944)   Wahl Esther (1837)   Wasserman Zelda (1991)   Weill David (1891)   Weill Sarah (1927)   Weyl Ferdinande Edmée Jeanne (1964)   Dr. Wolfard John (2008)   Wolff Herman (1934)   Yarhi Ezra (1985)   Zachariah Aaron Toric Rodney... (1992)   Zeitouni Laurice (2019)   Zerkowitz Armin (1895)   Breinel (1777)   ?? Breinel (1777)   ANGEL Chemaya (1874)   BENJAMIN Moussa (1940)   COHEN Isaac Eizik Salomon (1716)   COHEN Max (1981)   HALEVI Blume (1560)   MILHAUD Jassuda (1680)   PERUGIA Regina (1875)   STAMBOULI Jacob (1888)   WEILL David (1891)   WEILL Sarah (1927)   Diana (1975)   Angel Gracia (1943)   Cabelli Jacob (1983)   Goldstein Manuel Q. (1983)   Grynszpan Eliahu Elias (1990)   Hassid Raymond (2001)   Perahia Leon (1943)   Perahia Samuel (1943)   Perahia Sarah (1943)   Schual Zakaria (1983)   Moses Saul (1759)   Ayres William George (1984)   Babad Rosa (1759)   Borrell Bernard (1918)   Broom Louisa (1900)   Broom Lucy Louisa (1900)   Broom Thomas (1881)   Clark Alfred Edward (1978)   Coggin Roy Thomas (2005)   Curtis Susan Palmer (1914)   Darmanska Klara (2011)   Erps Chaskel (2006)   Favre Abraham (1768)   Finkelsztajn Sura (1941)   Friedman R' Yakov Peretz (2016)   Goldberg Evelyn "Eva" (1976)   Guyenet Jean François (1801)   Hastings Elizabeth (1751)   Hatt Margaret (1778)   Hilton Esther Mary (2009)   Irons Ann (1776)   Kaplan Fabis (1831)   Kirkby Herbert (1953)   Lustig Dina (2012)   Manley Jane (1880)   Manley Mary (1884)   Miller Aaron (1995)   Partridge Caroline (1890)   Popko Abe (1978)   Sarah Sadie, Tweed (1982)   Sartain Rosina Wintle (1905)   Sheyer Szajer Juda (2011)   Smith Josephine Hilda (1915)   Sussman Meyer (2016)   Teomim Manes (1684)   Thomas Mary (1887)   Wasserman (Warszawski) Edwar... (1971)   Rosa (1975)   Sarah (1934)   Ades Abdo Abraham (1971)   Appell Sarah (1923)   Applebaum Gertie (1926)   Baker Stuart John (1949)   Beatus Abraham (1974)   Belferman \ Balfour Mark \ M... (1988)   Berenstein John (1887)   Berman \ Bierman Rachael (1949)   Betesh Jacob (1990)   Booth Ada Edith (1977)   Chasan Sylvia Slata (1977)   Cohen Muriel (1991)   Cohen Sarah (1919)   Colp Esther Bloomah (1901)   Craig Peter (2001)   Craig \ Cohen Leonard (2007)   Crush Kevin John (2000)   Daniels Betty \ Betsy (1958)   Diamond Rebecca (1979)   Dike Leslie Walter Raymund (1982)   Dwekaitzky Fanya (1997)   Epstein Stanley (1944)   Ezekiel Stanley Frank (1988)   Fishman Albert (1996)   Fox Hersh Meyer (Harry) (1945)   Fry \ Frietag John (1994)   Goldstein \ Golden Hyman Joh... (1978)   Gorlicki Daniel (1943)   Gould Reginald Joseph (1988)   Herman Alfred (2002)   Hindin Abraham (1893)   Joel Henry (1917)   Johnson Elizabeth (1852)   Joseph Nathan (1995)   Judah Emanuel \ Ezekiel Jose... (1954)   Kaplan Esther (1913)   Khatena Nee Elias Mozelle (1987)   Kosky Minnie \ Muriel (1959)   Lauder Alter (1973)   Lawrence Leila G (1967)   Lefcovitch Leah (1956)   Levett Muriel Stella (1999)   Levine Rubin (1959)   Morny Claude Jaques (1974)   Nathan Sarah (1934)   Newman Frances \ Fanny (1966)   Orkin Liowa \ Leizer (1965)   Ostewell \ Osterweil Hal (1981)   Phillips Naphtali Mattie (1973)   Picciotto Edouard Nissim (2003)   Pliskin Kate \ Katie \ Catie (1941)   Richenberg \ Goldenberg Sara... (1944)   Rosefield \ Rosenfeld Abraha... (1982)   Roth John (1968)   Sabel Louis (1984)   Saevitz Solomon (1967)   Sasson David (1944)   Scheffer Judik \ Judith Kate... (1903)   Shemtov Rachel (1964)   Shemtov Rachel (1964)   Smicovici Maria (1995)   Somekh Emile D (1984)   Spiegelman Morris \ Mossie (1971)   Springer Caroline (1956)   Springer Jacob (1888)   Van Praag Sophia (1967)   Viller \ Villiers Sidney Yud... (2000)   Webb Robert W (1968)   Wright Rose (Rosie) (1978)   Yahalom Shlomo (2000)   Zassman Fanny Lynn (1978)   ???? Gross ??? ???? (Anni Gi... (1943)   ?????? (Gumpert) ????? ???? ... (1943)   Wronzberg Sure Sara (1951)   Abels Miriam (1992)   Caplets Bessie (1943)   Cohen Louise (1993)   de Waltoff Mortimer (1964)   Gold Jacob (1967)   Goldman Robert (1986)   Silverman Abe (1984)   Stoloff Morris (1980)   Belinfante August David (Guu... (2000)   Berlowitz Celia (Tsillia) (1981)   Bernal Isaac Hiam De Benjami... (1824)   Curle Jane (1823)   Delmonte Abraham (1940)   Endlar Annie (2008)   Forman Sarah (1873)   Freedman Harry (1991)   Gomes Da Costa Esther De Mos... (1824)   Greenberg Emanuel (Manny) (1971)   Grieff Eileen Susan (1983)   Lederer Caroline (1887)   Letherman Gertie (Gertrude T... (2000)   Lopes Salzedo Hanna Van Jaco... (1825)   Mantel William (1945)   Mendelson Rubin (Reuben) (1971)   Mosco Edna (1981)   Nunes Mirande Abigail De Jac... (1792)   Pelly Georgina Barbra (1874)   Rothberg Elise (Elizabeth) (2003)   Rothmer Irene (2004)   Sells Jeremy Adam (1995)   Soares Sarah De Isaacs (1826)   Weil Rachel (Wael) (1896)   Besse Gabriel (1730)   Brousse Jean (1835)   Yanar Yosef (Peppo) (1988)   Bouillez Margueritte (1791)   Brochet Catherine (1757)   Chimot Rosalie (1824)   Coleman Kenneth Leroy (1982)   Deveux Pierre (1693)   Dimbley Élisabeth (1659)   Doye-Duez Marie Catherine (1798)   Estoret François (1863)   Forrire Michel (1824)   Lecomte Silvie (1871)   Mahieu Jean Baptiste (1821)   Plichart Isabelle Rosalie (1810)   Sondhauss Johann Gottlob (1881)   Stievenart Marie Agnès (1885)   Tourneur Marie Catherine (1760)   Unrue Hannah Catherine (1903)   Unrue Hannah Catherine (1903)   Vallee Jean Joseph (1806)   Vilain Maxellente (1858)   Weiss Joh. Georg Martin (1815)   Brunt Sarah Jane (1877)   Ede Edward Denzil (1956)   Gilbert Elizabeth (1873)   Hughes Anne (1882)   Weldon Marjorie Helen (1957)   Buchner Ruth (2002)   Edid Meyer (1974)   Levin Aharon (1984)   Minkoff Saul (1939)   Cohen Esther (1998)   Cohen Joseph (1992)   Darwish Nazli (1933)   El Afrangui David (1987)   El Sebayegh Ibrahim (1936)   El Zayat Farag (1934)   Elichaa Rose (1931)   Goff Nancy (1996)   Hayina Hosna (1947)   Hayina Menahem (1954)   Lichaa Hosna (1953)   Lichaa Kamar (1931)   Lichaa Rachel (1932)   Maatouk Satout (1932)   Maatouk Vita (1932)   Massouda Lieto (1977)   Massouda Maurice (1948)   Ovadia Jacques (1939)   Shemeone Nazli (1953)   Shemouel Selim (1948)   Siahou Fouad (1933)   Soliman Sarah (1954)   Tawil Soltana (1950)   Tawil Yomtob (1954)   Yafet Stronguila (1954)   De Chatellerault Eleanor (1130)   Eggleston May (1882)   Eggleston Ruth (1925)   Egleston Florence (1988)   Leete Joshua (1742)   Farhi Solomon (1971)   Farhy Esther (1980)   Hara Samuel Saul (1971)   Matalon Esther Tera (1971)   Wahnish Samuel Alfred (1976)   Leight Lillian (1982)   Nementz Catherine (1990)   Sahada Mathilde (1976)   Oiknine Machlouf (1984)   Alcock Frances (1694)   Grand Rabbi Ayllon Solomon J... (1728)   De Wanniek Liana Bruna Lydia (1995)   Fitzroger Elizabeth (1414)   Fonsny Jean Jacques (1765)   Gray Elizabeth (1921)   Grindwig Jenny (Zisha) (1968)   Mahleb Moshi (1974)   Zeitouni Aaron (1962)   Barker Thomas (1645)   Boorman Thomas (1866)   Durrant Edward (1720)   Hickmott George Alfred (1945)   Rabbi Horowitz Shmuel ??????... (1778)   Rabbi Isserles Moses Ben Isr... (1573)   Leidesdorfer Anna Bluma Flor... (1803)   Mendelssohn Rechel (1831)   Sheyer Szajer Juda (2011)   Steere Lydia (1880)   Bronkhorst Fanny Frances Sug... (1874)   Frechie Henricus Hyman Henri (1932)   Koort Sally (1961)   Lederer Caroline (1887)   Philippsohn Semmi (1942)   Struckler Mary (1939)   Fonsny Jean Jacques (1765)   Rietti Giacomo (1969)   Marrier D'unienville Antoine... (1873)   Bentwich Norman De Mattos (1883)   Hindin Abraham (1892)   Lawrence Leila G (1928)   Levi \ Lewis\ Loewi Matilda (1849)   Sir Bigod Ralph (1457)   Delmonte Abraham (1855)   Mendes da Cunha Esther (1769)   Maatouk Vita (1931)   Marzouk Lieto (1923)   Matarazzo Avraham (1890)   Naggiar Frederick (1899)   Parfitt Llewellyn (1861)   Souroujon Elda (1923)   Dr. Wolfard John (1911)   Storrar Edward Lee (1869)  

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