Societe d'Etudes Historiques Juives d'Egypte

Among the books and publications at the JCC is a collection of bulletins put out by the Egyptian Historical Society for Jewish Studies EHSJS


The EHSJS was formed in November 1925 and held its first assembly on May 30, 1926. On that day the society comprised 51 members including 5 correspondents outside Egypt. The treasurer reported a balance of LE10 and 44 piasters. A hefty sum in those days!

Going through the Society's first Bulletin published in 1929 in French and Arabic one learns the following:

One of the Society's first task was to re-organize the 10-year old library recently located at the Ismailia (Adly) Synagogue. The library apparently contained over 850 works gathered from various synagogues located in the "harra" (Haret El Yahud-Jewish ghetto) in Mousky.

Another task was the publication of a periodic bulletin aiming at educating the public at large of Jewish history, life and culture in Egypt and the Middle East across the ages. To that end a sub-committee headed by Grand Rabbi Nahum and supervised by Joseph Forte would screen over 450 historic manuscripts and indigenous genizas written in Hebrew, Turkish and Arabic. These would undoubtedly shed new light on yet undisclosed elements of day to day life in the middle ages.

The Society would also assist academics wanting to research local Jewish history. In that respect two such researchers were already on hand: Professor Ruben Brainin from New York and Mr. Finkel, a student of archeology at Columbia University. While the latter headed for Upper Egypt, Brainin traveled northwards into the Delta bearing on the town of Mehalla al-Kobra which boasted a Jewish community then-headed by Aslan Abecassis who was also gabbay of the local synagogue "Keniss Al Ostaz".

EHSJS members attending the first general assembly were as follows:

HE Haim Nahum Effendi honorary - president
HE Youssef Cattaui Pasha - Executive President

Executive Committee:

Hector Cattaui
Salomon Cicurel
Abramino Menashe
Isaac E. Nacamuli
J. H. Perez
Robert Simon Rolo
Leon Suares

Correspondents abroad:

George H. Cattaui (London)
Meir Laniado
Abraham Almaleh
M. D. de Picciotto


Abramino Ascher, Sami Acher, René Adda, Benoit Anzarout, Charles Anzarout, Clement M. Attié, Samuel Avigdor (treasurer), Leon Babani, H. Braunstein, Henri Cattaui, René Cattaui, Moise Cherezli, Israel Cohen, Israel Cohanoi, Dr. Hilel Farhi, Mourad Bey Farag (secretary), Albert Forté, Joseph Forté (Vice Pesident), Ralph Harari, Jacues Hoefler (secretary), Boris Kahanof, Theophile Levym, Guido Levy, Alberto Luzena, Joseph Leibovitch, Joseph Massouda, Dr. Max Meyerhoff, Dr. S. Michaeloff, Dr. Albert Mosseri, Leon Mehrez, Georges Meyer, Mrs. Albert Mosseri, Henri Molho, Daniel Saporta, Moise I. Sanoua, Lucien Sciuto, Michel Sednaoui, Israel Wolfenson, Joseph Elie Jabes, Alfred Yallouze, Victor Zagdoun.