
A Plea for Aid in The Damascus Affair, The Jews of Arab Lands, The Dawn of Modern Times, Pages 393-399.

Aleppan Jewry in the Eighteenth Century, The Jews of Arab Lands, The Long Twilight, Pages 316-321.

Berto Farhi, Pouquoi Nasser ne nous a pas gardes, Liberation 28 & 29 Aout 1999, Cahier de Vacances

Celui Qui Fit Echec A Napoleon, Hayim Moallem Farhi, Notre Voie, 8 Juillet 1934, Paris 5 ieme.

Ch. L. Meryon, Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope (London, 1846, 2 Vols)

D. Beth Hillel, Unknown Jews in Unknown Lands; The Travel of Rabbi David D'Beth Hillel 1824-1832, W.J. Fischel. ed. (New York, 1973)

Brigid Keenan: Damascus (2001), a book on the historical houses of 18th and 19th Century Damascus including photos of the Farhi, Lisbona and Stambouli houses. In English at Thames & Hudson Ltd., London, in French at Editions Place de la Victoire, Paris.

El-Shams, Quotidien de langue Arabe, Obituaire du Dr Hillel Farhi

Eliav Shochetnam, New Sources for the case of the estate of Hayim Farhi “The Prince,” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, private documents to be published.

Eretz-Israel under Ottoman Rule, 2d ed (Jerusalem, 196) pp.319-322 and 339-34 (Heb).
Estori ha-Farhi,
Caftor va-Perach, Le Premier Explorateur de la Terre Sainte au treizieme siecle, Troisieme Edition, Jerusalem 1897.

Figures Oubliées: Haim Moallem Farhi Qui Gouverna la Palestine, un quotidien d'Egypte, non daté.

F. Lebrecht, Der gewaltsame Tod des syrischen Minister Chajim Farchi in Magazin fuer die Loteratur des Auslandes (1850) pp 461-3, 503-4.

Farhi, The Jewish Encyclopedia, pp 343-344

Ginette Sakal Dayan, A Camel Load of Onions, Sakal Millenium Family Reunion, August 2000.

Dr. Hillel Farhi
published books:
        Daily Prayer Book, Siddur with Arabic Translation
Title, Hebrew, Arabic pages)
        Roch Hachana Prayer Book
        Kippur Prayer Book
        Maxims & Songs for Shabuoth
The 613 Mitzvoths
Acronyms (Daleakou Ektesrat)
        Memory of House of David
         Commentary on the books of Ranbam
        Divertissement Books (
Tome 1 and Tome 2)
Omar Kayam (Hebrew Translation)
         Religeous Principles (
Arabic & Hebrew)

Dr. Hillel Farhi unpublished books
        Trilingual Dictionary (Arabic-Hebrew-English)
See list (in Hebrew)

Hayyim J. Cohen, Farhi, Encyclopedia Judaica 6:1, 1811, 1183

In Memoriam, Hommage a Joseph David Farhi, Publie par Abraham Elmaleh, Edite par la famille Farhi. Jerusalem, Mai 1948

J. Schwarz, Decriptive Geography of Palestine (n.p. 1850)

J. Wilson, The Land of the Bible (Edinburg, 1847, 2 Vols), vol II, pp 341. "Lands of the Bible -- Visited and Described (Extensive Journey
Undertaken with Special Reference to the Promotion of Biblical Research and
the Advancement of the Cause of Philanthropy" by John Wilson, D.D., F.R.S.

J.M.A. Scholtz, Reise in die Gegend zwischen Alexandrien und Paraetomium ... (Leipzig 1822)

Jonathan Frankel, The Damascus Affair, Ritual Murder, Politics, and the Jews in 1840, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Joseph Hamid Mouawad : L'image d'un Juif (Haim Farhi) d'apres deux chroniques chretiennes arabes du XIX siecle, Actes du 4e Congres International D'etudes Arabes Chretiennes, Cambridge Septembre 1992. Parole de l'Orient Vol XVIII, 1993 Universite Saint Esprit, OLM, Kaslik, Liban.

Julie D. Bouchain, Auf-und Abstieg der Familie Farhi 1740-1995, Ein Beispiel für den Niedergang des syrischen Judentums, University of Hamburg, 1996.

L'Aurore, Journal d'Information Juives, Vendredi 30 Août 1940, Obituaire du Dr Hillél Farhi

L. Damoiseau, Voyage en Syrie (Paris, 1833)

L. Loewe, ed, Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore (Chicago, 1890), Vol II pp 353-58
French Translation by Remi Hakim
Another similar document written in English is called
The Remarkable History of Pharchi.

L.A. Frankl, Nach Jerusalem (Leipzig, 1856, 2 Vols)

Lucien Gubbay, Origins, pages 6 to 9, The Scribe, Journal of Babylonian Jewry, November 1990, The Exilarch's Foundation, London. Published as a book, Chroniclers, 1989
Lucien Gubbay, The Sephardim, Published by Carnell, London
Lucien Gubbay, Sunlight & Shadow-The Jewish Experience of Islam, 2000, sephardi Center, London
M. Franco, Histoire des Israélites de l'Empire Ottoman, 1897, pp 130-131.

M. Franco, Histoire des Israélites de l'Empire Ottoman, 1897(295 pages)

Maurice Fargeon,
Médecins et Avocats Juifs au Service de l’Égypte, Le Caire, Imprimerie Lencioni, 1939.

Najwa el Qattan, The Syrian Land in the 18th and 19th Century. Doctoral Dissertation published in The Middle Eastern Studies, 1992

Nissim Elnecave , "Hijos de Ibero-Franconia", by; ediciones "La Luz" Buenos Aires, Argent. 1981, pages 554, 563 & 681. (references to Haim & his brother Raphael and Eliezer Farhi of Tunis)

Pages d'Histoires Oubliées: Haim Farhi El Moallem, un quotidien d’Égypte, 5 Mars 1928

Photocopy of a book, pp. 36, 222-224, 256-261, 267

Sherman Lieber, Mystic and Missionary of the Jews in Palestine 1799-1840, Printed Salt Lake City, University Press 1992 , p 20-23, 60-61, 132-134. (references to Haim Farhi & his brothers)

Saul Mezan, "Les Juifs Espagnols en Bulgarie, Histoire, Statistique Ethnographie" published in 1925.

Dr Saul Megan, Les Juifs Espagnols de Bulgarie, 1925 Sofia Imprimerie Amischpat, page 100

Svi Kargilia, The Jewish Community in Palestine during Egyptian Rule (1831-1840), Tel Aviv University & The Ministry of Defense Publishing House, 1990 (reference to Isaac Farhi Treasurer of Jerusalem).

The Jewish Community of Tiberias in the Early Nineteenth Century, The Jews of Arab Lands, The Dawn of Modern Times, Pages 337-339.

Thomas Philipp, The Farhi Family and The Changing Position of Jews in Syria, 1750-1860, The Middle Eastern Studies, pp 37-52

Thomas Philipp, The Syrians in Egypt, 1725-1975, Berliner Islamstudien (1985), Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, pp 27-30,34,65.

Thomas Philipp,
ACRE. The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian City, 1730-1831 , Columbia University Press in New York, 2002

The Price of Akko, by Raphael Sackville, An Historical Novel about Haim "El Muallim" Farhi

The History of Jews in Singapore 1830-1945 , a personal account by Eze Nathan, 1986 Herbilu editorial and Marketing Services , Singapore

L'image d'un Juif (Haim Farhi) d'apres deux chroniques chretiennes arabes du XIX siecle, par Joseph Hamid Mouawad, Actes du 4e Congres International D'etudes Arabes Chretiennes, Cambridge Septembre 1992. Parole de l'Orient Vol XVIII, 1993 Universite Saint Esprit, OLM, Kaslik, Liban.

Vicky Tamir: Bulgaria and her Jews: The history of a Dubious Symbiosis, Shepler Harmon Press NY,NY, pp 111,129,140,89,102,175,179,108.

Yaron Harel: 'In Ships of Fire to the West', The Jews of Syria during the Years of Ottoman Reform 1840-1880. (In Hebrew: Bisfinot shel Esh la'Ma'arav: Temurot beYahadut Suria biTkufat haReformot ha'Othmaniot 1840-1880) the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem, 2003.

Avigdor Levy. "The Structure of the Jewish Community", The Jews of the Ottoman Empire, Darwin Press, Princeton, 1994, pp. 42-70.  

Alon Hilu, Death of a Monk, The Damascus Affair of 1840 (a fictional account of what might have happened, in hebrew), 250 pages, Xargol Books, Israel. Summary, Book cover. Note of the Webmaster: Alon states that he is a novelist and he narrates what could have happened and not necessarily what has historically occurred.

Y. Harel, The Books of Aleppo &endash; The Rabbinic Literature of the Scholars of Aleppo, Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 1997 (Hebrew)

Y. Harel, By Ships of Fire to the West: Changes in Syrian Jewry during the Period of the Ottoman Reform (1840-1880), The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History , Jerusalem 2003 (Hebrew)

More publications by Yaron Harel -List of Publications .

Index of the personal documents of Claude Cicurel covering his genealogy work on the Cicurel and Barcillon families. These documents deposited with the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People are available for viewing in Jerusalem.

Pleasant Are Their Names; Jewish Names in the Sephardic Diaspora," edited by Professor Aaron Demsky,and published by Maryland University Press

Jews Christains and Moslems in the Mediterranean World after 1491, Taylor & Cass 1992. Edited by Emeritus Prof. Alisa Meyuhas Genio, Tel Aviv University

The Jews in modern Egypt, 1914-1952 By Gudrun Krämer

Les Medicins Juifs au Service de l'Egypte by Maurice Fargeon- Les Medecins Juifs d'Egypte. Histoire Générale depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours suivie d'un receuil de biographie des principaux médecins juifs contemporains.Livre de 44 pages avec une préface par Dr. Israël Wolfenson, Professeur de langues sémitiques à l'Université Egyptienne. Le Caire, Imprimerie Lencioni, 1939

Two books on the Eliachar Family:
1. The Role of the Eliachar Family in Jerusalem (in Hebrew) by Nathan Efrati. Rubin Mass Publisher, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2. Living with Jews (English Translation 1983) by Eli Eliachar, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.

Florence, Ronald 2004, Blood Libel: The Damascus Affair af 1840. Madison , Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin Press.

Mintz, Sybil. 1988. “The Carpet Pages of the Spanish-Hebrew Farhi-Bible”Chiat, Marilyn Joyce Segal, and Kathryn Reyerson. 1988. The Medieval Mediterranean: cross-cultural contacts. St. Cloud, Minn: North Star Press of St. Cloud, 51-56 .

Kogman-Appel, Katrin. 2002. “Hebrew Manuscript Painting in Late Medieval Spain: Signs of a Culture in Transition” in The Art Bulletin , Vol. 84, No. 2 (Jun., 2002), pp. 246-272 .

Sasson, D. Ohel David: Descriptive Catalogue of Hewbrew and Samaritian Manuscripts in the Sasson Library (London 1932), p. 3.

Carolina Delburgo: A personal recollection of her family's exodus from Egypt in 1956. Come ladri nella cacciata dall'Egitto (Aula Magna de la Bibliothèque universitaire de Bologna) , English version, Jewish Refugee Blog 1, Blog2, Version Francaise)

Dr. Albert Khabbaza: The Last Tango in Baghdad, (2010), an inspirational memoir and story depicting a painstakingly true tale of a facinating life lived in turbulent times and countries of the Middle East. The book was self published by his daughter: Anna Hakakian. It can be ordered from the Khabbaza website.

The Journey: From Ismaeleya to Higienópolis - The story of an Egyptian Jew by Alain Bigio, ?It is available ?only? for? ?tablets at Amazon.

Marie de Saint-Georges de Montmerci, François (17..-18..?) Genealogie curieuse et remarquable de M. Peixotto, juif d'origine, chr?tien de profession et banquier de Bordeaux . Ouvrage destiné a prouver aux mecreants que M. Peixotto descend en ligne directe d'Adam, de Noe, d'Aaron et de tous les Cohens de l'univers (1789). Les auteurs speculent que l'origine ancestrale des Piexotto sera le Portugal.

-Juifs du Nil, textes réunis et présentés par Jacques Hassoun, le Sycomore, 1981
-Juifs d'Egypte, ouvrage collectif,éditions du Scribe.
-Egypte Retour, Carole Nagar ed.ASPCJE,Paris, 2010
-l'excellent article de Michèle Beaussant "Etrangers sans rémission? Etre Juif d’Egypte" Ethnologie française 2013/4 (Vol. 43), pages 671 à 678
-L'ensemble de la collection de la revue Nahar Misraim, ASPCJE. avec des tonnes de renseignements sur la vie des Juifs en Egypte.

A Guide to Avi Sion's Works (a PDF file), his website and his ideas on logic, philosophy and spirituality.

The Jews of Calcutta by Flower Elias and Jusith Elias Cooper, The autobiography of a Community (1798-1972) published in 1996 . Many images and photos available via a Google search for its tittle.

Un Saint du Serment d'Hippocrate, Admirable tout simplement (a PDF file): Le Dr. Elie Hallac , by Jean Paul Kauffmann, L'evenment du Jeudi 25-31 Aout 1968, rubrique Les Mecs Bien.

Jewish Portaits, Indian Frames -Women Narratives from a Disapora of Hope by Jael Silliman; a study of 150 years of Jewish history in Calcutta theough the lives of 3 womenin the Silliman family.

Lebanese Jews Murdered and Kidnapped (a PDF file), a United Nation report ( 5 March 1986) byIsrael Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu to the Security Council.

Freud et le Nobel. Une histoire Impossible a book (in French) by Marlène Belilos, Francois Ansernet et Jean Daniel Matet . Interview of Marlène
Belilos on France Inter radio (in French).

The Sephardim of Manchester: Pedigrees and Pioneers a book by Lydia Collins in collaboration with Morris Bierbrier published by Shaare Hayim, The Sephardi Congregation of South Manchester. 24 Wicker Lane, Hale Barns, Cheshire WA15 0HQ , England, tel +44 (0) 161 980-1877, email . First Edition June 2006. Reprinted December 2021. Cost £22 (Paypal accepted).

The Sassoons by Joseph Sassoon , publisher Pantheon 2022. Click for a WSJ review of his book.

Poésie pour la fraternité et la paix par Elie Mangoubi, D'Alexandrie à Chicago, via Bruxelles, de l'exil à la paix. C'est le voyage d'une voix . Editeur Complicité .

Articles by Prof Maria Kaplidi about the role of Paul Blumberg (1859-1912) and the Musical Tastes of the record industry in Smyrna ca 1908. Paul Blumberg's correspondance amd requests about the musical tastes at the beginning of the 20th century. Link for the full article.

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