The Farhi Bible was written by Elisha Crescas in Provence between 1366 and 1383. It was in the possession of Haim Farhi up to his death in 1818. After Haim execution, it came into the possession of the British Consul in Damascus and was only returned to the family a century later. It remained a contested item of Haim's estate inheritance between Haim's brothers and nephews. The religious courts of Palestine were busy for decades...The bible was purchased by the Sasson family at the beginning of the 20th Century. It was sold to David Sassoon of the main Sassoon family from Baghdad, India, China and (eventually) London. It is kept in a bank vault in Switzerland. |
Carpet page, J ericho wall, Memorah, Altar. |
Two full-page miniatures from the Farhi Bible. The page on the
shows the menorah, the thongs and fire pans. Letchworth, Sassoon Collection, ms 368, pages 182-183 (10.25 X 8.5 in -26 by 21 cms) This Labyrinth from the Farhi Bible (ca 1325) represents the City of Jericho its seven ring walls and a locked gate. Dieses Labyrinth, aus der Farhi-Bibel (ca. 1325), stellt die Stadt Jerich dar. Ein Ariadnefaden schlängelt sich vom verschlossenen Tor durch sieben Mauerringe zur Stadt Jerichos.